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We live in a great community. How are we going to remain a resilient place with a high quality of life in the future? What challenges do we need to address? You have helped answer these questions through meetings, open house events, and responses to community outreach

Postville Planning Meeting (6).JPG

Open House

Our first open house event was on October 3rd, 2017.

We have been continuing to meet with different groups and individuals from all communities of Postville, and we will continue to offer chances for you to give your opinions about what we need to focus on in our planning efforts.


Initial Results

Our results was outstanding. We have heard from over 500 people! (Almost 1/4 of Postville.)

It looks like we would like more places to go and more things to do here, as well as more business activity.


This poster was placed in public spots throughout Postville in December 2017. We saw lots of great ideas.

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